Sunday, October 3, 2010

What have I learned in IT19...

As I enrolled IT 19(Technical Presentation Skills in IT), it needs an extra effort for completion and I also experience a little difficulties. At first, we have an activities during our laboratory, an on-the-spot group activity that enhances and develops more our self confidence. IT 19 subject is just making up  or constructing a presentation..Few meetings we were discussed the guidelines and tips in constructing a presentation.And later on we are required to submit any interesting topics to be approve by our instructor.The approved topic will be presented in the class.As we made our presentation there are so many guidelines or tips we need to follow.It's just about making a simple PowerPoint presentation but a presentable presentation. We should "KEEP IT SIMPLE and SHORT. We can also post all the things we want in our presentation in order to fulfill but we  should follow the guidelines and tips to achieve a good presentation. We must be focus with our viewers, be sure that it can easily be understood, and it should have a good use animation. We also observe the presentations font size, and must assure that the people or the audience can read it clear.This project also enhances and develops our self confidence. Because as we presented the presentation we should assure that the audience will  well-understand and informed.

 As we go on, we learned more. We were given some tasks and assignments that were not easy to do. We have given an infomercial project, wherein we need to endorse a particular degree program.We produce a video about such program, introduce its importance in the society, the benefits that students could get upon enrolling the program, and the opportunities waiting in the post graduation. It is just like an advertisement. As we made the project, we encountered the U lead installer which is new to us because that was never introduced in other subjects. We also tried the Movie Maker but it does not exist because wet found out that U Lead is better than Movie Maker. This installer serves as the key that widens our imagination and thinking, it also enhances our creativity. Those two advantageous factors we used resulted to the production of a nice  output an advertisement.The project enhances and develops again our self-confidence .We also learned about Multimedia and etc..

We also produce a documentary film. We mingled and interviewed different persons in different levels, we also visit to places we didn't used to go for documentation purposes.We do bonding with our co-groups.It is  just a documentary film but the scenes in our video used to be edited in order to portray more the message we want to convey and understand by the audience. It was a hard task but with cooperation of our co-group, we did it.

Taking up this course is my great privileged  because it really broadens my understanding about IT presentation or Technical Presentations. It also develops, enhances,  and practice my skills in technical  aspects. Even if I have experienced difficulties upon taking it, but the learning and knowledge I've gain is enough to repay it. I won't also forget those experience which has the great contribution or molding my personality and characteristics, like the building or self-esteem, creativeness, self-confidence and hard work. I also learned the essence of teamwork. If each members of the group would help, cooperate, and share his/her ideas a difficult activity can be a simple one.

IT19 is a challenge.Once you take up this subject, just go with the flow. Don't be afraid to try, exploration is where you can learn many things. Just sit down, let yourself learn, give your best, and enjoy then you'll see how it is feels great having completed not just this course, IT19, but with others.

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